Natural Disasters: When Money Matters & When Money Doesn't Matter


Prior to a Natural Disaster?Money Matters.

It is before anything actually happens that money matters the most.
You would think it's after right? Nope.
That's because prevention is less traumatic and ,often, less expensive that recovery. Most people, including myself, would agree that a lot of the measures to prevent and protect yourself are costly and requires solid financial stability! I live in The Bahamas so our major concern has always been hurricanes. Because of that everything that is related to hurricane protection just seems more costly. Especially the insurance! The premiums for hurricane insurance is not something that most can not afford.
Apart from being able to stay readily prepared, money also:
-Allows you to be able to evacuate on your own accord
-Gives you the option to be generous and assist others in preparation
- Affords you a peace of mind

During a Natural Disaster? Money Doesn't Matter

Again, I live in the Bahamas therefore I will use a Hurricane as an example:
The country advised that we were expected to be hit by a category 2 hurricane. I properly prepared myself with canned goods and water, I purchased a generator, I have hurricane impact windows etc. I have done all I can to endure the storm. During the storm, there is excessive raining and water levels rise to unexpected heights.I now have water coming in through my house. The storm is currently over Nassau, the island I reside on, and I have three more hours before things calm down. In that moment money does not matter at all. I am faced with a current real life situation and the only tool I have in that moment is my survival instinct.
Now I know that was a pretty easy scenario but I didn't want to get too dark my friends. I can get pretty descriptive and I don't to change the narrative but I think my point was made here. Money can't help you when you face real time adversity like that.

Post Natural Disaster? Money Matters & Money Doesn't Matter

The worst part of it all, the aftermath.
Money is what will be needed to rebuild. Whether you're using money to restore your own life or you're donating money to help others, it will matter... But only sometimes. Money will not bring life back nor heal emotional pains. The trauma from that experience has to be lived through. Some will overcome the effects sooner than others but money will not be the deciding factor on who triumphs their worries.

Moral: Money is very import but if/when these things happen, it's normal for your world to stop but it is also normal for your world to keep spinning. Find a balance. It is healthy to mourn and sympathize but it is necessary to take steps  to correct the economic turmoil that happens and to help yourself and everyone else affected.
Money is not emotional, it is rational. Humans are emotional. So while the donations will be very generous, initially, consumers will continue to consume, producers will continue to produce; opportunists will prevail and others won't be so lucky. What does this mean? The natural order where cash flows to those who are RECOGNIZED for providing value will continue.


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