Natural Disasters: When Money Matters & When Money Doesn't Matter
@FIN.IQ242 Prior to a Natural Disaster? Money Matters. It is before anything actually happens that money matters the most. You would think it's after right? Nope. That's because prevention is less traumatic and ,often, less expensive that recovery. Most people, including myself, would agree that a lot of the measures to prevent and protect yourself are costly and requires solid financial stability! I live in The Bahamas so our major concern has always been hurricanes. Because of that everything that is related to hurricane protection just seems more costly. Especially the insurance! The premiums for hurricane insurance is not something that most can not afford. Apart from being able to stay readily prepared, money also: -Allows you to be able to evacuate on your own accord -Gives you the option to be generous and assist others in preparation - Affords you a peace of mind During a Natural Disaster? Money Doesn't Matter Again, I live in the Bahamas therefo...