Aesthetic VS Reality


Apart from money, wealth is often associated with one thing.
Can you guess what it is?
*An eternity of silence as I imitate an interactive Q & A Dora scene*
That's right! Luxury!

Big fancy houses, foreign cars, exorbitant clothing lines, high end jewelry, exotic vacations etc., all of these luxury items and experiences are very often associated with being wealthy... And it should be.

Living a life of luxury is something that only the mega wealthy can realistically afford. But here’s the problem: Perception becomes reality.
Those of us aspiring to become wealthy can become blinded by the glitz & glam and luxury is no longer associated with wealth. We can actually start believing that luxury IS wealth. This common misconception causes a lot of us to not actually work to become wealthy 
but just to purchase non-essentials, as to give off the impression that we are “well off”. Securing wealth is not just about looking good and living great, it’s mainly about creating a better financial future for you and your family.

These indulgences are almost always liabilities because very few people actually monetize these purchases. Just look at Mike Tyson. He is estimated to have made over 300 million during his boxing career but has little to show for it. Floyd Mayweather, on the other hand, has made better financial decisions and it shows. While he understandably made much more, his bigger paydays stem from marketing where he used his luxurious lifestyle to promote himself and his brand.

You see, people miss the two step process that allows you to live in luxury. Wealthy people acquire assets that create streams of income helping them to become rich FIRST so that they then can afford extravagance SECOND. We make the mistake of trying to acquire luxury items FIRST. Hence, we miss out on the FIRST STEP *face palm* and that is why so many people trip, stumble and fall financially.

Repeat After Me:


Luxury is only associated with wealth because it is nothing more than an OPTIONAL by-product. START ACQUIRING ASSETS!

Check out the previous blog 'C.R.E.A.M' for more on assets and liabilities.


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